Keeping Score
If you haven’t been paying attention or keeping score, here is what it looks like***:
***These are the ones I know about. If you have other wins for either side, add them in the comments.
Team Evil was successful in getting John Ringo bumped from ConCarolinas and Larry Correia from Origins. There were a LOT of casualities in these battles. Not only were John and Larry affected, their fans, the con goers, and the con vendors got screwed in the deal.
On the side of good, DragonCon extricated a minion of the Evil team who decided that politics in the fantasy lit track were more important than the fans and con goers.
Following that up, ConCarolinas made a statement that they would no longer disinvite guests and that no one is going to decide who is and is not acceptable guests to their Con. Sanity seems to have returned to ConCarolinas.
Honestly, DragonCon and ConCarolinas made the only acceptable decision when a side is demanding the Con kowtows to their political preferences. You cannot ever appease Team Evil. It becomes harder to hold ground once you’ve given in to their demands even the slightest.
The Weapons
In this war, there will be no blood or dead bodies…or having to clean up the mess. Seriously, blood is not that easy to get out of carpets.
This war is one of words and memes (gotta have memes) and bringing a level of professionalism back to the arts that has been stripped away by self-important people who like to play at being dictators.
As a soldier, or aspiring soldier, for the Team Good you’ll need a weapon. It will be up to you to choose your weapon and learn to wield it to create the most impact.
Your weapon, be it fiction, comics, blogging, a leadership position or other type of entertainment or supporting role, will be your most valuable resource, treat it well.
You and your weapon are on a mission to battle the forces of Team Evil, bring about civility and rescue the culture from the grasp of insanity.
Go forth with your weapon and take on positions of responsibility in hostile territory, start new professional groups to replace those that are too far gone, and bring joy and new hope to readers Team Evil wishes to trample into the ground.
It is time to choose your weapon. What will it be?